
Happiness is in as simple things as laying on the seashore watching the oppressor setting beyond oblivion; waves making a gushing sound, tickling the bare feet, and a tiny boat trying hard to stay up deep on the endless blues. The time never stops. It keeps ticking endlessly. Fortunately you have some clarity of what in a bigger picture you wish to do in your live. But sometimes, even though you are pursuing goals with all your hearts and brains, your efforts dont see the outcome you had expected. Not that you lose interest in your passion and start hunting for something new; but in the tug of war that life plays with you, the spark which keeps the fire within burning.. one that puts the propeller in full swing, dulls briefly. The life rebels. Bonds that seem incredibly precious and unbreakable, quakes all of a sudden leaving you in complete bewilderment. The safe harbor that you once anchored to, remains only in the memories. The loss blurs the site of who you really w...