Climbathon 2014 – Bara Shigri Glacier part 5

Evil is a power just as strong as the power of good. It doesn't work by itself but uses people as media

But something unusual had happened at the base camp. I met two girl participants from rope six at the base camp while there remaining group was still out for an expedition. One of them told me that Chitramohan had a snow blindness so they had volunteered to take care of him. So they came back sacrificing their own summit. I was astounded to hear this. I admired them and went back for the dinner. But the winds at the base camp were singing something else. Many of the participants were accusing the younger girl for allegedly filing a complaint of harassment against one for the instructors of her group. Earlier also people had pointed fingers at her with baseless accusations. Couple of times she had expressed her strong desire to leave everything and run away to home as it was beyond her capacities to endure. She was on the verge of succumbing to the accusations. And had she done that, she wouldn't be the same ever laughing, bold and confident girl. No doubt there were certain self-introspective changes that needed her attention but I thought in that moment it was necessary to stand by her and assure her that she was not alone. Advice could have been given later also. Few of the participants empathized with her to their fullest throughout the expedition. Although her friends were supportive to her; it was Pranav who came to her rescue every time. Be it carrying her pack, appreciating her during the practice session or at times motivating her when she would give up; he was always there for her.

In today’s world, just because your beliefs and cultures don't fit in a society you are staying with, your styles and behavior are modern and outspoken enough to raise people’s eye brows; doesn't mean that you should alter them. It’s your identity and as long as you are honest and ethically or legally not breaking any norms of society then why change? If a girl and a boy are seen together, then why should others giggle and spread rumors about them without having any knowledge of truth? And why should that girl be accused of misbehavior rather than those gigglers change their way of thinking? Shouldn't we accept people as they are rather than forcing them to change their true identity and imitate what only we believe is right? Every person is unique and bears both good and bad qualities. It is everyone’s duty to appreciate the goods and advice constructively on bad ones. Giving your frank opinions as an advice is one thing and taunting or accusing in order to humiliate is another. But, one should also keep in mind that it is very easier said than done. The society’s point of view is like a giant elephant stuck in a mud pond. This notorious incorrigibility associated with traditions and myths in our society is very difficult to alter. But one should not feel disheartened. As I said earlier, as long as you are honest, you should rather than running away from the troubles, face them. Unless you face them the fear will not go away. You should believe in what you do and you should do only what you love to do; without bothering what society would think but ensuring that in no way you hurting anyone`s feelings. As Gandhiji said, the only religion in the world is to worship the Truth. And you worship it by bringing purity in your thoughts, speeches and deeds. Rest is secondary.

I was glad that she didn't quit. We celebrated her birthday on the last day of expedition which we hope will give her an encouraging boost for the upcoming adventures.  


More!! :)

Royal Flush!! Mt. CB 13 Expedition

I will come back..

Climbathon 2014 – Bara Shigri Glacier part 3

Home ground Tail baila